“An excellent architect working in association with an enlightened client body, a generous site, and an adequate budget - all have combined to make Emanu-El a thoughtful, elegant, and deeply meaningful building....The building evokes a powerful symbolic quality that resonates with ritual and significant meaning steeped in the history of the Jewish people and religious architecture. The creation of sacred space, procession, and ritual are handled skillfully and subtly.”
“Katz, the son of a rabbi, has studied sacred architecture since his student days. He understands that certain traditional motifs, symbols, materials and spatial rhythms are powerfully significant for worshipers.”
"Dear Phillip, Only twice in my life have I seen a building so beautiful that I cried at the sight-The Paris Opera at night in all of its luminous glory and the Calatrava, wings open on a lovely summer day. Last night standing inside your magnificent sanctuary I cried again. The majesty, yet simplicity of the design, the soaring height and the grounding in nature, the natural beauty of the materials combine to form an awe inspiring space for prayer and community. Thank you Phillip from the bottom of my heart, for what you have done for our congregation and for my family and me. With gratitude and endless respect for your achievement."
Project Congregant
“Hi Phil I just wanted to drop you a note of congratulations on the new sanctuary at Temple Emanuel. I attended a Bat Mitzvah this past weekend was totally impressed with your work!"
Emanuel Congregant
'Hi Phillip, I just want to thank you so much for creating the most gorgeous synagogue for our congregation. I was blown away when I saw the building and I am in awe of your talent. I also want to congratulate you on the wonderful article about you and the building in the Journal the other day. I wish you so much continued success and I look forward to seeing your future creations. You certainly made a name for yourself."
Project Congregant
'Yesterday I got to services. It was my first a.m. service in the new sanctuary since I couldn’t go on Saturday. Phillip, that is such a beautiful room. I liked it at night, but like it even more in the day. I even let Tobi’s paintings melt into the background and not bother me. Never thought I’d say that. His grey klunks on the Ark doors are still bad and really insensitive to the rest of the room…and I know we’re stuck with them. Your folks must be proud of you. I thought I’d see them during our opening weekend. Back to work"
Emanuel Congregant
'Phillip, We were unable to go on Sunday to see your project but I got over there yesterday and I wanted you to know how beautiful I think it is. You can be very proud!! I remember sitting at your thesis presentation and now I am able to see it come to fruition…how wonderful. Mazel Tov and Yasher Koach…we look forward to your future endeavors. Best wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous new year."
Project Congregant
"Phillip, I must confess that I am not one who typically enjoys spending three days with hundreds of persons. But Phillip, this past weekend was something beyond the beyond. You know how I feel about the space you have created, so I won’t embarrass you by throwing more flowers or searching for more adjectives. You know what I think. But I will tell you that that space brought people together in song and in prayer and in community in a way I don’t think I’ve experienced since a youth travel experience in Israel in 1964. The whole place trembled and the music was not only the music of the instruments but the music of the spheres that you created. Whatever it was you set out to do, and you explained it to me in some detail, you indeed accomplished. Thanks God. My best regards and deep admiration for what you have done."
Emanuel Congregant
'You did it, you crazy man. A seriously huge mazal tov. I am proud to know you."
Project Congregant
"…it was a pleasure to meet you and to see the plans for the addition to our synagogue. My family and I were very impressed by the beauty of the drawings, and we look forward eagerly to seeing the finished product."
Project Congregant
"Phillip Thanks for hanging in there!"
Executive Administrator - Congregation
"Hi Phillip, You are the greatest – devoted, kind and talented… what a combination!! I do want to thank you for the super day that you gave to us last Thursday at CEEBJ. The lecture and tour of our new synagogue was informative, stimulating, historical and updating…it’s such a wonderful world that you have created for CEEBJ. Thank you again and again for sharing your talents with all of us."
Program Director
"Dear Phil, Thank you for the tour of our beautiful synagogue. It was an exceptional thrill for me to see the progress. You are an absolute amazing architect. Our congregation is very fortunate to have you lead our dream!"
Project Congregant
"Your ears must be ringing: The Writers Group was enchanted, delighted, informed, inspired, educated, and thrilled today! Thank you for giving so generously of your time to our small but bright, interested group — what a gift! Did you perhaps notice that we were all hanging on your every word? Are all your audiences this enthralled? Thank you again so much. Your explanations were excellent and really brought us into the mind of a brilliant, spiritual, passionate creator of sacred spaces. Sitting there, listening to you speak, affected me deeply, and I have a much greater appreciation of the inspiration, the skill, and the dedication that went into this beautiful edifice. With no more elegant words, may I just say WOW!"
Project Congregant
"Dear Phil, I had occasion recently to attend services at Congregation EmanuEl Bne Jeshurun and your design is magnificent. The Space is beautiful, tranquil, and spiritual. Wishing you continued success!"
Emanuel Congregant
"Dear Phil, I have had occasion to be at CEEBJ several times in the last couple of weeks, and I find it more spectacular every time. What a joy to be part of this historic moment. Thank you again – and again – for your inspired design, extraordinary attention to detail and magnificent use of materials. I can’t get over the many spots from which I can look across the building to the natural setting beyond. Todah rabah!"
Emanuel Congregant
“Historic and symbolic Jewish references are embedded in almost every aspect of the design. Katz has tapped into the Bible’s descriptions of Tabernacle and Temple .”